วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Your mind and how it works

Your mind has two parts: the conscious and the unconscious. Together, these two parties are to control all the actions and, finally, the results that you have in your life. Since we can understand exploring every area of your mind, that these ideas seem simple and elementary that are broad in scope and have a strong influence on his life. To control every aspect of what makes you who you are and continue to do everything in your life until the day that they are in control.

The> Conscious Mind

The conscious mind is if you do every day to think about the day. Here you can make decisions and where you work primarily from normal life. When we talk or watch a TV program you are using your consciousness. Both the awareness and the subconscious mind to think in pictures. When you think your family members a photo of them, flashing on the big screen of your consciousness.

Can alsomaintain a single image on the screen of your mind in a moment. We can not think, for example a red apple and an orange in detail at the same time. While you may be able to project side by side, are unable to see the texture of the skin of the apple or the dimples in the peel of oranges at the same time.

This means that you can not think of a negative thought and a good idea at the same time. While your opinion may be capable of back and forth between negative and Flippositive ideas and images very quickly, is not able to maintain these two images simultaneously.

The subconscious

Most people might think that the mind controls the subconscious, but it is not. The subconscious is the leading manufacturer in our lives. This part of the mind stores all our ideas about who we are, what we are capable of what we are not in a position, and other details that we think are true about the world. We are able to access theAs the emotional subconscious mind.

The subconscious is sleeping in the background while you and your life. Dreams are a product of the subconscious. You can imagine the subconscious, like a computer program that without your help at any time. An example would be if you suddenly realize that you're not careful while driving and you're almost home from work.

The entire trip to and from the work of a program that you putyour subconscious mind through repetition. Driver's license is almost automatic and only takes very little thought about its role. In fact, without consciously thinking about going to the store while driving on this road can take directly home. Their planning takes over and you forget "to go to the shop to maintain the image of the store at the top of the head, when to go home.

To convert what you want in your life to reality, you must understand how the useboth the conscious and subconscious. By constantly thinking of the good things that you want and display of these images can be found for impressing your subconscious. Over time, your actions will change, and you begin to feel the things you want to move into your reality.

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วันพุธที่ 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Will be the deliberate intention to improve your game of pool?

I think it will. I know it is for me and the other gave me this tip. And I think that will do the same for you.

I usually play pool on Friday evening. So when I wake up Friday morning, I say to myself: "I'm going to play tonight, excellent pool." I believe that with conviction and the conviction that there is a true statement. And it is true in general.

I do it first thing in the morning, because at this moment is the spirit of not fully aware of the arrangements.The small break between sleep and wake up fully is the ideal time to do mental stimuli such as these. The intention to play pool well goes directly to the subconscious - that part of the mind that really controls our lives.

Would be comparable to a very relaxed state of meditation and then wants to play pool better. Or have a hypnotist who put in a deep trance state and to give post-hypnotic suggestion that you can now play the pools more in your life. WhenMind and body are very relaxed, the subconscious is more accessible and better able to make suggestions like this.

Besides being a player pool of long time, I am a student of the mind. I studied different philosophies about how the mind works and how it affects our daily lives. However, I am convinced that the spirit and attitude toward life that affect our health and wellbeing, and to conduct our pool.

An individual who thinks generally positive, constructive ideascertainly the most from the life of a person who firmly believe in the negativity and the world is unjust, depressing place. While the world has a way of throwing curves at us, the thoughts and attitudes of the difference between the desire to get up in the morning and do our grumble out of bed.

One of my favorite sayings is: "Thoughts are things." If you really think that once you see that is true. Everything that has created the human being has the first thoughtsomeone's mind. Could not come in a different way.

If you see yourself as a good shot pool, and actually thinking visible because ultimately it will be. Of course, you have to put your time in the pool table to learn the game and practice. But with the right attitude and determination, will go much faster, and you can enjoy the damn game so much more.

Another very useful for the purpose, could play billiards, "I intend to fully concentrate on the game." If youI'm sure a lot of pool, you know that if you do not focus on the game at hand, do not play your best game pool. Swimming is not a hard game physically, but it makes quite a strong concentration to take to avoid missing easy shots and play to your potential.

It is often said that a consortium is "mind game". Once you know the basics and have your way around the pool table, whether you win or lose depends very much on the individual state of mind. If you are in a relaxedMood and fun to play better. If you have things on your mind that bothers you, do not play their best.

So, like most of us like to win, if we have a game of pool, why not play for them the best opportunities for food? As an experiment, a few seconds to the intention, excellent pool play the next morning, when you know you're playing that day. You have nothing to lose and you'll be pleasantly surprised how well you play. Leave a commentmy Pool-Is-Cool.com blog and let me know if it worked for you.

Thoughts are things. Get an idea about the intention, the best pool of your life the next time you play at the table. I'm ready, I will warn you!

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วันอังคารที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Decorating a bedroom with a small budget

When you try to decorate a bedroom, both easy and economical it is discovered that it was at a loss, which is where I begin. However, it is quite easy to do, and here are some bedroom decorating ideas, do not break the bank.

1. Just drag and rearrange the furniture already in the bedroom will make a big difference to the atmosphere and the feeling of space. Certainly this is one of the easiest ways to give a room a new feeling and it will cost you a penny to do (other than yourtheir hard-earned sweat, of course). For example, the bed was in a corner, instead of against the wall and gives the bedroom a comfortable style, intimate and elegant.

2. Why is not the color of the walls simply painting them. No matter if you use this color in a color or are you just a coat of fresh paint already there, in one way or another to change the feeling of space. You can even exceed, the erection of a border or stencil some designs, however,but not limited to the implementation of the boundary only at the top of the wall can be placed in the middle of an older style, elegance and relate to the appearance of the room.

3. Why not change the bed with the purchase of a new comforter, duvet or blanket, in reality, show off a little 'and buy a new set of sheets and pillowcases as well. Soon you'll see how much difference can cover, a new bed and pillow covers in a room and (Start, so why notWith these before you decide anything) to do more drastic.

4. Hang some framed prints or pictures on your walls. Restrict yourself not just photos, but why not consider some say, a work of art or a movie poster, which need not be expensive and you may find that you have some photos or prints only a new framework.

5. Why not a vase of silk flowers or floral greenery to your room. All you need is a vase rather, glass or glass, then buy silk Niceor plastic flowers and green (remember to choose the colors), the addition of the color of your room. But I do not need to match the room closely, you can find some beautiful flowers in white silk, and although the salt, especially in blue just add a sprig of blue flowers, the scheme will not only improve the decor, but the room well furnished.

6. Why not buy a new lamp. Not only do the warm bedside lamps are also helpful. MostBedside lamps and small lamps are particularly favorable in principle, if you take the time to look around. You can also put to think of new wall sconces next to your bed, closet, or on both sides of a wall mirror can add an extra touch of elegance to the room.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 28 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to be in good health can be the beginning of your Healthy Joint Ventures

Obesity is one of the health problems of America. Health Check is a growing awareness of the calories of food a vegetarian diet, nutritional supplements, jogging and fitness. The fungus of health centers, such as massage, fitness clearly manifested in the trend.

Small entrepreneurs can derive from this lifestyle in market growth. First, you can only have a massage or health bar. You can create a joint venture with a group of physiotherapists and masseurs or suppliers of health productsIf you do not have the skills and knowledge about massage and health products. As business schools, joint ventures, to avoid common mistakes and shorten business learning curve.

Even finding the best location and the construction of a network of health workers, doctors and health buff will be your company and quick start. The malls are the situation better.

If you're going to have a massage or a health bar in a single center for the expansion of health-fitnessRelax and also a beauty salon, spa and entertainment center, progressively investing in the best fitness equipment.

They should, in particular cardiovascular equipment to burn fat and weight loss. These include treadmills, stair climbers, cross trainers, ellipticals and exercise bikes. You also need equipment to build strength and muscle tone, as weights. You should have multiple disks, so do not take the people.

There are cardiovascular and electronic equipment for power, but it is possiblethe basic ones. You can also create new devices, but cheap as they are often advertised on television.

To break the monotony of the health of joints, you can install for sport climbing, boxing equipment and even dance (modern jazz) and yoga sessions.

Gym equipment and installations, but it is useless unless you have a good joint venture with the best exercise and fitness professionals. It provides (and run later) is the best exercise and fitness program.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to develop habits Conscious

How do you reinvent the project to go life is a key factor for the development of new and old habits that are not paid. It 'hard to let go of an old habit, if you make a new habit. Get your emotions involved in creating a new habit and you have to do a much better chance that deep-rooted habit, fully in your life.

The most important thing in developing a new habit is to be aware of. Realize that what you're doingis the programming of your brain, as if you program a computer. Repetition is what creates the habit. However, repetition can be mundane and ineffective.

The practice of awareness, how to develop a new suit, and to understand that it takes the body and mind to take time on this new program. Then, start slowly and in bite-sized steps. Enjoy the new experience to be aligned. Even if the experience starts to feel repetitive, take the time to connect the vision of what you want to connect.As with most things taking up smoking to exercise, particularly with the goal in mind.

You heard that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. They have also heard that you can really take 28 days. In 1960, a plastic surgeon, Dr. Maxwell Maltz noticed that amputees took on average 21 days to complete in order to adapt to the loss of a limb, and suggested that people take an average of 21 days to adjust to new changes.

But new research recently published in the Journal of Experimental SocialPsychology, details the results of a study involving 96 people who were interested in forming a new habit each day interested in doing, like eating a piece of fruit with lunch or take a 15 minute walk every day. Each participant was to rate as the automatic action was needed every day and the "hard enough not to do" and "done without thinking." On average, participants have a plateau, where the suit was automatically after 66 days.

So if you are creating a new habit, and stick with it,every day, if possible, for at least two months or more. Aware of commencement of the development of meaningful rituals, and that certain emotions signal to the brain. For example, meditates daily, showed less than 15 minutes will have a significant impact on the level of stress and have the capacity for coping.

You must also be incorporated into your habits fun and games, creative expression and new experiences. We are a product of our thoughts, beliefs and feelings. It 'important to bring all these three factorsDeveloping the research of new habits and make the necessary changes.

If you prefer, and continue for at least two months on a daily basis at the end of the year it would buy six new habits. Here are habits that are life and you will improve in the long-term support for:

~ Daily movement or motion.
~ Drinking an adequate amount of water per day.
~ Eat at least one piece of fruit a day.
~ Daily Journal.
~ The elimination of white stuff from yourFood.
~ Eat vegetables every day.
~ Listen to relaxing music every day.
~ To meditate every day.
~ Daily laughter and recreation.
~ Read and absorb statements.
~ Enjoy your hobby every day.
~ As a positive sign in his thoughts.

I would encourage you to work on one habit at a time for at least thirty days before adding another dress. And once you get used to it. But remember, stay at each habit for at least sixtyDays for maximum effect.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Gaia - Mother Earth and the tortoise? Ancient Wisdom for Conscious Living

Etymologically Gaia is a compound word of two elements: the composition Ge and means "earth", which is also a pre-Greek substrate word Ki Sumerian sense in the context of the earth and Hague derived from an Indo-European dimension "grandmother." Therefore, the full etymology of Gaia was once "land grandmother." They know that most of us, Gaia is just like the Earth or Mother Earth, the primordial element from which everything arises, what the Romans as believed. They knew, Gaia, the GreatMother, including as a single living entity, the totality of each element in the universe, by land, sea and sky. The Greeks knew her as a goddess who personifies the primordial earth, and their formation appeared the origin of the universe, born of chaos. Gaia Power has been extended in ancient Greece, who swore on their behalf, which are binding for all. If only this value for them was still a part of our lives, perhaps we would discover more honor the promise for the planetlive and greater synergy and harmony through awareness, maintenance of symbiotic collective means.

At all times and cultures, this worship of active titanium was fertile land, under the guise of many names and forms, ranging from reverent bow to the Druid ritual, all in an effort to more in tune with the rhythm and the continuity of the wilderness it embodies. They represent all the earth, or the spiritual development of the land, and, sometimes, was the goddess ofthe whole creation, which was born all the others. Only in Egyptian mythology, personification is a reverse, while Geb the earth, while the father is the mother of the heavenly Mother, as Zeus the sky father and Gaia the contrary, as the Mother Earth. In Indian religions, is the mother of all creation as "Gayatri", which is a form very close to Gaia. She is the mother of all Vedas, the wife of the god Brahma, and the personification of the all-pervading Parabrahman - the ultimate unchanging reality that lies behind allPhenomena. Many Hindus see the link through pure love and reach the essence of the Gayatri Mantra as a Divine awakening of the spirit and soul, and a way to achieve the highest form of existence. Simply, the mantra helps us to achieve our divine mother and receive his blessing and wisdom that help us with the challenges of life. Gaia for the Feminine Divine, expressing his desire to cultivate the people and to honor a mirror for us the respect we have forgotten, too.

Too casualSynchronous and divine, are the oldest turtle, vertebrate creatures, which also has the wisdom and energy of Mother Gaia and those who give a lot. Many old myths, like that of Native Americans to describe the world as a place of rest at the back of a turtle, and many are still in North America as Turtle Island. This is evidenced by their creation legends from a time when saying the earth is covered by water and the turtle to bring the ocean depths to the Earthon the back, so people could have a safe, dry home. Like Gaia, these timeless creatures wearing a variety of symbolic meanings over the centuries and cultures, as symbols of the ancient mysterious fellow mother (except for the African tradition, where is a symbol of male) and lunar cycles, Earth and Cosmic Universal-owned new meaning and context of the center. Far East Asian turtles believed the myth of the origins of the universe by the parties to say that ledShows a map of the stars and Sacred Scripture: the shell of the heavens and symbolic readings used in divination, the body as a symbol of the earth, and under his shell, symbol of the underworld. This cosmic order, the support that they represent, with the magical ability tied to us in heaven and earth in our life support, our experience of life as "heaven on earth." They are the only animals that symbolize the honor is the mother earth and the waters are healing, and the personificationWinter, humidity, thunder, the Mayans, Venus, Aphrodite, north, and the moon (most turtle shells are 13 sections of the Representation of the 13 awarded annually moon phases.) Care and powerful security, medical turtle is beautifully illustrated by common attributes with his counterpart, Mother Earth, Gaia, while symbolizing their minds profound teachings in light of his example.

It is a presence and flow of unwavering strength in the deliberate, consistent, andthorough approach to a life of non-action, non-response, acceptance and naturalism. Always at home with themselves, they embody the meaning of "home is where the heart is" the understanding of distance and freedom. This lightweight, patient, show honor to the rhythms of instinctive creatures life balance, violent, self-defense mechanisms, and know when to turn in the frame. Browse a day at a time, they reflect the importance of movement in his honor the rhythm of life, while the limits.Turtles are survivors, living so near the earth moves slowly, aging gracefully, as symbolized by earth and embraced the faith with the courage to make these advances have shown only to attack his neck out. No wonder they are regarded as the wisest of souls in the animal kingdom and has a strong analogy for humanity deep and profound on many levels.

So closely entwined are the tortoise and Gaia, no doubt about the importance and the union of their deep anddeep symbolism that seems to come from two different sources, but they are synonyms, as a bridge. Perform a similar all-powerful presence, and the contrast between the innocence of a humble and yet the line of blood through the heart of the essence. Be fooled by the cover of the book, since both the spirit and soul of the earth and beyond and shares represent us the knowledge and valuable lesson. Across the board, if known as Gaia, as the tortoise, known, sung, sung, or in person by anotherName synchronously, is connecting with the universal role of the mother and source of care, manifested to us a deep feeling of deep peace and calm within and outside lead. But more than any other goddess, she is always identified as the divine soul, the Mother Earth, the living planet realizes that we stop for food and the innate wisdom to offer all their children. Gaia embodies the awareness of our interconnection through the circle of life and the sanctity oflife, whether plant, animal, human or stars. Are rooted in the values and ourselves and help to remind us that respect and to remember that the respect and gratitude for everything and everyone around us is the message conveyed that he hopes to mediate. Through this live consciously, we can achieve this balance and completeness, the promise of Gaia offers. By shifting our perspective from experience that the connection of an octave with its value as a partner in life and honorYou can then enjoy the blessings of the union, that daily doses of beauty and wonder, she offers.

Be committed and new from my friend and the Russian Tortoise, Gaia: a sweet, magical, Taurus-born are earthy, feminine energy, inspired as the name implies. Gaia name is spoken from the universe, when I heard the old mantra on the way home from their receipt in my life. She was restless in their field, but reassured to silence the sound of the firstTo play mantra. Ironically, as I listened and sang the words, the only thing that was my thought and being was permeated with the Gayatri Mantra, even though I was chanting the mantra that a. Gayatri I was on my mind for some reason and did not know that I had not heard, only hours after reaching home. While I was playing to sing the mantra I heard the word "Gayatri" in my head and immediately Gaya ... Gaia. I turned to my little friend, and knew it. TheUniverse and had spoken his name, I play with the old mantra. And now I know why.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Bike exercise for health --

Cycling and bicycle exercises can now be done in a pollution free atmosphere at home. Bicycle as an exercise should not become a danger, because the traffic outside. Motorcycles have become so popular, because feature-rich, especially for health conscious users. The wrist hand measured and displayed on your monitor electronically as well as body fat monitor tells us something about the number of calories burned. The heartbeat is also entered. DeviceIn addition, the time spent on the characteristics of training. You can build muscle strength, as you may even lose weight.

The device is flexible and the saddle is very comfortable, because the height is adjustable. It can be adjusted forward or back for ease and comfort. Cycling itself is very smooth and almost silent. The angle adjustable handlebars with adjustable console slider ensures that it will not be left with pain and spasms of the wrong attitude, while theexercise. Brake pedal is the pedal to secure the strap vigorous workouts. Even if there is excessive sweating on the pedals is not slippery. The handles are also given extra padding so they are smooth Proof.

Young and old can also use these training modules as they are set according to user's height, weight, age and health. There are about 18 programs, with almost 12 presets in most of the brands offered. And 'the measurement of BMI, caloriesObjective of increasing the recovery test, etc. The sensor monitors the recovery of physical fitness and helps to calculate the differences. The console provides information about the speed of the current financial year, the distance traveled and total time of exercise. There are five characteristics to be the console of different age groups.

Most exercise bikes are designed to look stylish, elegant and not hard on the floor. Storage and installation is very simple and carpets must not be damaged.You can easily install. This is a magnetic braking system with hand sensors available. The level of resistance exercise machine can be adjusted according to our needs. Most units tolerate weight of 135 kg maximum usability with the device itself, with a weight of about 41 to 52. In general, the size of about 122 cm, 52 cm and weight 80 cm in length. Exercise bikes make them smarter and more efficient and flexible to meet the needs of users.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Conscious vs. Non-Conscious Brain

I want to get out of the rut you are financially supporting themselves? Perhaps no need to try a different diet to lose stubborn 20-30 kg. that will not move. Or ask yourself why your personal relationships always fall into the same pattern. Have you tried everything to change, but nothing seems to stick to "." You can view the results for a few weeks, even months, but will not be long before you discover themselves again, instead started. The problem is that you're on the right track,and it will only achieve sustainable results.

You see, if you use your will to make a change in your life, it is important to control the conscious part of the brain. What scientists have discovered over the last decade or so is that the part at the base of the brain or the brain unconsciously, representing over 96% of what we actually do. Your brain has a conscious creative control, but your subconscious is going to come, when the long-term resultsof. The following is a comparison between the conscious and the unconscious brain.

- The conscious brain is about 17 percent of the total mass of the brain and controls only 2 to 4 percent of real perception and behavior. The unconscious brain is about 83 percent of the total mass of the brain and controls 96-98 percent of the perception and behavior.

- Conscious impulses speed 120-140 MPH, while the unconscious impulses to more than 100,000 tripsMPH!

- The conscious brain processes about 2,000 bits of information per second, while the unconscious processes of the brain through 400,000,000,000 bits of information per second. Yes, you read that right: four hundred billion.

- The conscious brain is the will, which means it will be through conscious, it sets goals and evaluates the results are checked. The unconscious mind is enslaved, that is, not set goals for themselves. Introduces the objectives, with which it made available. ItDo not judge the merits of the results, but only if the stated objectives.

- The conscious brain perceives, past and future, and the unconscious mind has no concept of time. Everything that happens today, as regards this aspect.

- The brain of consciousness, has a very short-term memory, about 20 seconds for most people. The subconscious mind remembers everything that the experience forever.

A good analogy for the relationship between the conscious andsubconscious is a thermostat in your home. The thermostat is your unconscious mind, and you set to walk around your house is consciousness. Take your thermostat to 80 degrees. Return home from work and realize it is a kind of warm in your house. To open the doors and windows to cool the place. This works for some minutes, until the thermostat registers a drop in temperature of the oven and begins to lower the temperature to returnon.

Recognizing that does not work, you open the refrigerator to cool your home. Still manages to bring the temperature down a bit 'in the kitchen, but soon changed the records and the oven thermostat turns on again. No matter what you do, have the thermostat, the temperature for all internal controls, greater control over the situation than you. Unless, of course, you always go back the thermostat at a comfortable 70 degrees.

IfThey think that nobody would be foolish to try to his house to be that way if they could simply adjust the thermostat cold, which is exactly what people do in their daily life, when you try to use their power to ignore what that their unconscious mind is set. As you can see from the statistics, this is a futile effort. The unconscious brain trumps the conscious brain easier when it comes to achieving results.

For example, if yourNonconscious brain is programmed to believe that it is always kept in debt, then no matter what actions to change the situation in the short term, your unconscious mind works 24/7/365 to return to that reality. Your desire to work consistently? Of course not. This is why many lottery winners end up bankrupt in a few successful years their jackpot. They are considered poor, because this is what the unconscious brain is done. So if you take to win the lottery, the annualPayments. You can beat the first annual payment, but will be seen later as a rich person, and are much more likely to keep the wealth in recent years.

If you change something important in your life, if you have money, health or relationships are, you learn how to reprogram the subconscious mind, or your thermostat. You must submit new beliefs, so that the unconscious mind that leads to new homeostasis. This process will involve aIn an article forthcoming.

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วันพุธที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Emotional Intelligence - a solution of consciousness

With the improvement of emotional intelligence (EI), workers, a company can successfully exploit two important trends in Megatrends Patricia Aburdene set for 2010: "The wave of conscious solutions" and "Spirituality in Business." As we enjoyed this new era, through the widespread application of techniques conscious contribution to the economy, ensure that your company is one of the early adopters reap the competitive advantages that are stuck with the traditionalBusiness convictions. Emotional Intelligence, a solution aware of patellar patterns of emotional response, the ability to acquire and apply knowledge about your feelings and the feelings of others. Information on what you feel will help you make effective decisions, which (to say or do or say or not).

It allows you to use your emotions to help you make better decisions at this time and a more effective control over you and your effect on others. TheConcept of emotional intelligence, brain research shows that these abilities are of purely technical and cognitive skills are different because they have a different part of the brain - the emotional center, the limbic system, instead of participating in the neocortex. Emotional Intelligence is composed of five basic skills. The first is to know what you feel. The second is the management of emotions, feelings, especially distressing. The third is self-motivation, the fourth is empathy;and the fifth is to manage the relationships.

(1) The Business Case
Ability to emotional intelligence has proven to be crucial for individual success and organizational. (2.3) Research on Emotional Intelligence has revealed that the impact is low, which impacts on a wide range of companies / people issues, including increased creativity and innovation, increased productivity, better decision making and l ' increased profits. The business case for the development of emotional intelligencebecomes clear when we realize that to feel the emotions of the managers, employees and customers are the implications for decision making, mental clarity, and the bottom line of businesses and the efficiency of nonprofit organizations and non-governmental organizations. The emotions that the experience leader impacts of climate and culture of an organization as a whole. More specifically, the impact of emotions leading what people feel, how satisfied are, as they are faithful, and how productive and efficient they are. In return, asEmployees feel their job and do not affect how people feel about their satisfaction with both products and services and, finally, as a loyal customer of the company or organization. And, as loyal customers, has a direct impact on results and profitability of a company. Note that the basic element in this set of management reports. The leaders are not only the CEO and Executive Vice President and Director. The manager of every team, everyManager, and every individual in the organization is a leading supplier. Self-management is one of the most important factors that focus on skills development. Self-management is the internal capabilities to perform the best decisions and make decisions moment to moment during the day, whether at work or at home.

Negative impact on business
An examination of the impact of unmanaged emotional reactions and lack of capacity for emotional intelligence indicates the significant negative impact onBusiness. Unmanaged emotional reactions or lack of emotional intelligence competencies of managers and employees at all levels, can lead to ...
• Lack of innovation and creativity
• unsuccessful and reengineering process improvement initiatives
• slow development of high potential talent
• decreased productivity
• customer satisfaction and loyalty Reduced
• Career Derailment
• High staff turnover
• initiatives stalled Change
•Decreased revenue
• increased stress and health care costs
• negative organizational climate / culture
• Violence in the workplace

Developing Emotional Intelligence Skills
The good news is emotional intelligence skills can be learned. However, there is a limit if there are the typical approach of training to improve the analytical skills and techniques focused, we are doomed to failure. Conventional programs do not include the factors by which the limbic system(emotional center of the brain) learns best: motivation, extended practice and feedback. Capacity development of emotional intelligence requires that individuals are to eliminate old behaviors and embrace new ones. And that requires practice and self-reflection on the consequences of the use of new skills.

1. Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence, Bantam Books, 1995
2. Daniel Goleman, "What makes a leader?" HBR, 1998.
3. Goleman, et. al. Primal Leadership, Harvard Business School Publishing,2002

Copyright 2008, Byron Stock

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วันจันทร์ที่ 21 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Art of Subliminal Persuasion

Influencing and persuading others is the goal of persuasion. E 'with the use of persistent argument, or acts in which people can be fully convinced, or simply let go and just go with the flow of his arguments are exercised. It takes excellent communication skills to convince a real person.

Words are powerful. Depending on their use, can change lives and influence the decision of one person-making. With an artistic use of simple words, a person can begin to change or moveThe attention to issues that are of interest. This is the subliminal persuasion. Are generally in line with the message the usual plain words, combined with a lower level of conscious perception of a person who actually influence decision making, thinking and attitudes. Normally do not admit, the people, or even recognize that they are often manipulated during a call. This manipulation is in our smile, a sign of common interest or consent to the discussion identified.At this point, the aspects of subliminal persuasion in action.

Subliminal actually refers to an act which might discretion of sensations and mental processes that inspire spiritual awareness are. Persuasion is the art of influencing people to convince, or a theme, thought, feeling or emotion and channel their interests in a vantage point. Are there any subliminal often used in advertising. Detected by the methods of persuasion, the people in flatteringbut a product is a necessity or importance. With the use of elements that are outside of our consciousness, the use excellent command in words, subliminal persuasion is a powerful tool that influences a person, thought, emotion or thought.

This method of persuasion actually makes use of subliminal stimuli influence to improve people. The combination of conscious and unconscious elements with the careful use of convincing to take the choice of words,aspect of effective advertising products and services. Today, achieved significantly influenced companies and industries by some, the people. The practical importance of their applications, has helped create an understanding of the need and importance of a service or product that is then translated into popularity and sales.

Perhaps the reason why this form of persuasion is very effective is to relay hidden messages, as the advertising of the product,that the way we think and feel about certain topics or things without the right to influence behavior. In the long term secular, it represents a discrete form of advertising or promotion of an ideal, or have the same issue. Conscious thought is the factor that this method removes the conviction. Once a person who knowingly intends to meaning and purpose from what should be a subliminal message that they will lose their impact or effectiveness in influencing people's minds. ContactThe awareness of a person who loses a subliminal message to convince his magic in person.

At a certain undercurrent of faith makes use of hypnotic suggestions that cut, designed to facilitate a more complex transformation of preconscious hidden messages. Preconscious achieve understanding of a message is effective hypnotic technique is performed correctly. In this way, where the risk of subliminal messages are recorded by the knowledge dropped. FollowingMessage keeps its hidden meaning and these are people with whom the messages were directed.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Breast cancer and awareness

Breast cancer is by each of us, consciously created, even if we do not want to admit it.

Each of us has an awareness and a subconscious.

In general, it is the nature of our consciousness too literal, rational, logical, serious and negative. It tends to positive messages, like "I'm in good health" and "I'm resisting cancer free." It is here that early childhood messages are stored as: "You'll never get anything." You can not even aware of these thoughts. No matter how you try these negative messages on a conscious level to reprogram the emotional influences are so deep that negative beliefs will prevail.

Our consciousness by using common sense and analyze the information it receives, and organizes them into a logical framework. Go one way to try to understand, every thought, idea, or creation, we come together.

Sometimes these features are in our> Awareness is useful, but sometimes they can sabotage our dreams, not satisfied to stop them. Our consciousness is the source of doubt and has a negative attitude.

So it is possible that we consciously create our own breast cancer, taking a negative attitude towards our mental life?

Her breast cancer was made aware of? Give this idea some thought and find out how breast cancer occurs in your life.

Our subconscious, theOn the other hand is a source of faith and a positive outlook on life.

"The mind is like a monkey swinging from branch to branch through the wood. Do not lose sight of monkeys, we must always watch the monkeys and even one with him." - Thich Nhat Hanh

You can read our unconscious thoughts in the next article.

With much love, laughter and good conscience.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Knowing the subconscious and conscious mind are one

People usually think we have a conscious and subconscious, and beyond. The truth is that everything is consciousness. It's all a mind.

What we, as an aspect of the unconscious actually an inner level of consciousness. Moving inward, our consciousness, we make the unconscious conscious. We began to know what we are really aware on a deeper level. This is the way get in tune with our intuition.

Inner consciousness is moremore powerful external consciousness. For this reason, one might say that the subconscious is more than consciousness. But the definition of consciousness, which is used here, the complete and true. E 'awareness of consciousness. Moving between various aspects of the mind. It can travel inwards and outwards.

The subconscious is also the consciousness of the body. The body is another aspect of the unconscious. Our physiology affects our feelings, because if wesomething with our bodies, we are causing in a certain way of thinking. Our body is a different form of cooperation into account existing and next to us. We can say that this aspect of the subconscious, a lower form of consciousness of our own. The spirit of our body is servant to the spirit of our inner being.

When we move our awareness inwards to the plane of the superconscious, we can hear the voice of God is where you get divine inspiration and guidance. Intuition is clear andmore at this level.

The superconscious is the universal spirit. Has two aspects. The first is that intelligence is infinite, which governs the whole universe. The second is that the collective consciousness of everyone and everything that exists in all levels of reality. The totality of the spirit in existence.

The superconscious is also the consciousness of our mind, which is a part of the first aspect. It works with a strong increase, wherea time when our consciousness moves to assert that we perceive time to slow down and make all our thoughts and decisions in a split second that would have been impossible in the normal state of consciousness.

If our conscience to the second aspect of the universal spirit, we have the feeling and understanding that everything is interconnected and everything is one. In this state, we feel one with the universe. There is no separation.

On the plane of the superconscious, we canalso collect thoughts and ideas that emerged from the minds of others. This explains why the phenomena studied a hundred monkeys in a region of the world to wash their potatoes before eating, started all the other monkeys in the world to do the same.

The matrix of the collective consciousness of the mind also explains how clairvoyant will be able to find missing persons or objects in various places in the world lost. It explains why there are cases where you find a family dog or cat fromtheir owners, even when away from each other by a movement of thousands of kilometers. This explains why seventy percent of all dogs flee to California two weeks before an earthquake.

Universal spirit, which is different in our individual mind is what we call our conscious and unconscious.

Your mind has an autonomous intelligence. If you think a thought, sinking into the inner levels of your consciousness. Your consciousness automatically keeps that thought in yourReality.

You are the programmer and the program. You are the programmer within the program. They are self-scheduling program.

Our inner consciousness can be stronger, that our consciousness, but it is better. If you do not move toward the inside, our awareness, we can not keep control of them. There will be master instead of our master them. Being the master of the mind, not dominated by the spirit. We can only do we shift our consciousness in the present state of knowledge.

E 'knownallow us at all levels of the mind and reality in cross section. The ability to astral travel and OBEs (Out of Body Experience) comes from knowledge. The ability to see what is in the deepest parts of our psyche comes from knowledge. Knowledge is seen.

Whole mind is consciousness. Every spirit-spirit. All spirit is a spirit.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Since the subconscious is through awareness, Choose your thoughts wisely

Since the subconscious is developed from the knowledge that you choose your thoughts carefully, because the subconscious control of most functions through all take the day.

When talking with a friend during a walk and find your shoe is untied, you can reach up to break even, one might say, "Oops wait a second," or you can simply stop to tie his shoe while he was still willing to listen conversation with your friend. Run the art ofshoe tying mostly from your subconscious mind, only mildly aware of the actions you are performing.

When you are in a conversation, with your spouse, they say something hurtful to you, you react in a split second, from the subconscious to make a defense for all the past arguments relative to this issue.

Later you stop to think of why you reacted so quickly, only to realize that you were on automatic pilot, you failed to take every thought captive. Now as you re-evaluate the Able to understand, you start that your conscious thoughts are treated very differently, those who are under control.

The control of all thought, but realistically, we can begin to understand how important it is that we slow down our thought processes, at least enough to know when you decide to turn left or right, up or down, yes or no.

The nature of conscious life, we will find better health, less stress, and a balanced lifestyle, as earlyallow our environment to make a choice we make. What can we do to our thinking hours inspection rest untimately control our sleep now.

Peace is important, in which physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Experience peace, one must understand that the lack thereof, is determined to entertain the idea.

Understanding of the need to choose the correct response to stimuli that will help to ease the burden on the unconscious reaction. SinceSubconscious works and saves the input from knowledge, we are confident that the decisions on autopilot, far more likely to pop up in the positive sense, considering the size of input from our real prospects.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The difference between the conscious and the unconscious

Conscious and unconscious mind are just two separate spheres of activity inside your brain.

Your consciousness is rational or logical thought, while your subconscious the animal, "as the human brain.

Without a conscious decision on his part, keeps the heart pumping blood, your body knows, sweat, and the temperature control. These are all examples of functions, but may appear as if they were "just so",actually the result of your subconscious mental processes at work.

Most people never think 'having an unconscious, although it is certainly thinking' have with him.

Your subconscious is very powerful and makes a large percentage of mental processes. Even if you do not know.

Your subconscious mind is easily impressed by the thoughts and mental concentration of conscience. Your subconscious has no reason - simplyrespond and follow the instructions and guidance of conscience.

Your subconscious can be used as a bed of land that each type of seed, whether they accept good or bad. Your thoughts are mentally active, are seeds in your subconscious.

Negative, destructive thoughts because of anxiety or depression, continue to work negatively in your subconscious. Sooner or later, to create the surfaces, taking out an experience that meets their content.

Oldsaid: "Be careful what you" want some very solid foundation in modern psychology.

I urge you, in the field of neuro-linguistic programming, if you look at a firmer grip on the concept of conscious and unconscious mental processes and the differences between the two are concerned, too.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 12 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

conscious sedation dentistry

Conscious Sedation Dentistry: Dental Anxiety And Its Management

All too frequently, a planned visit to the dentist is looked on with a degree of dread and foreboding. This is referred to as dental anxiety.

Dental anxiety is not unusual, for it is quite natural for a person to be uncomfortable when placed in a position in which they feel that they are vulnerable, as occurs in the dental chair.

It is important that a patient tell the doctor if they have any dental anxiety related to their planned dental treatment. Keeping their fears hidden can only lead to a much more unpleasant experience for the patient and, in more extreme circumstances, may even increase the likelihood of certain emergencies occurring, such as fainting.

Once the sedation dentist is aware of the patient's dental anxiety and fears, there are many ways in which they may be addressed. In some cases, simply discussing the planned procedure is all that is necessary to alleviate the patient's dental anxiety.

When this is not enough, other highly effective and safe sedation techniques can be used to alleviate dental anxiety. If the technique involves the administration of a drug, it is termed conscious sedation dentistry.

The most readily available routes of conscious sedation are: oral, inhalation, intravenous and intramuscular. For extremely fearful dental patients, general anesthesia may be required.

Oral Conscious Sedation Dentistry
Many dentists will prescribe a sedative drug to be taken by mouth prior to the planned treatment. If the individual has an even greater degree of dental anxiety, the doctor may prescribe an oral conscious sedative to be taken at home one hour prior to going to sleep on the evening before the appointment.

If the drug is administered at home, it is IMPERATIVE that the patient NOT DRIVE A CAR to the appointment. Patients receiving oral conscious sedation are not permitted to drive a car or operate a motor vehicle for 24 hours following their appointment.

Commonly administered oral conscious sedatives include: Valium, Halcion, Dalmane, and Versed. Oral conscious sedation dentistry is most effective in the management of milder degrees of dental anxiety.

Inhalation Conscious Sedation Dentistry
The use of inhalation conscious sedation (nitrous oxide and oxygen) has been a mainstay of sedation techniques in dentistry for generations and still represents the most frequently employed technique. Commonly known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide-oxygen is used by more than 35% of all U.S. dentists.

An advantage of this technique of inhalation conscious sedation is that most people receiving it recover promptly and may be permitted to leave the dental office unescorted and resume normal activities immediately.

Inhalation conscious sedation is most effective with mild to moderate degrees of dental anxiety.

Intravenous Conscious Sedation Dentistry
Though not as readily available as other conscious sedation techniques, intravenous (IV) conscious sedation is a safe and highly effective technique for management of moderate to more severe levels of dental anxiety.

Sedation dentists who employ IV conscious sedation have received specialized advanced training and certification by their state Board of Dental Examiners.

Drugs administered intravenously are more effective than the same drugs taken orally. A major benefit of some of these IV drugs is amnesia.

The patient will have no memory of some, or even all, of the dental treatment. This will lead the patient to think they were asleep during the treatment when, in reality, they were awake, but comfortable, at all times.

During the procedure, monitoring devices will be attached to the patient. These devices monitor the effectiveness of one's breathing (pulse oximeter), blood pressure and heart rate, increasing the safety of the procedure.

Patients receiving IV conscious sedation are not permitted to leave the dental office unescorted at the conclusion of the procedure.

Intramuscular Conscious Sedation Dentistry
Less commonly employed for adult patients, intramuscular (IM) conscious sedation is a relatively effective technique for management of moderate levels of dental anxiety and fear.

IM conscious sedation is more often employed in the management of fearful children. Sedative drugs are injected into the muscle of the upper arm or the thigh, producing sedation in approximately 20 to 30 minutes.

Dentists using IM conscious sedation have received specialized advanced training and certification by their state Board of Dental Examiners and will employ the same monitors described in the IV conscious sedation section.

General Anesthesia
Though the techniques of conscious sedation described above effectively manage more than 90% of all fearful dental patients, some may require general anesthesia in order to relieve their dental anxiety during their dental treatment.

When general anesthesia is used, the sedation dentist will employ a person who is trained and certified in general anesthesia to manage the patient while the dentist carries out the dental treatment.

This person will be a dentist anesthesiologist, a medical anesthesiologist, or, in some cases, a nurse anesthetist, whose sole responsibility is to ensure the safety of the sleeping (unconscious) patient while the dentistry is being done.

Sleep dentists using general anesthesia have received a minimum of two years of specialized advanced training and have been certified by their state Board of Dental Examiners. Monitors will be employed to help ensure the safety of the procedure.

Not all dentists employ conscious sedation techniques to relieve dental anxiety. It is important for patients to voice concerns and dental fears with their dentist during their first visit to the office.

The dentist will seek to work out a treatment plan that will best accommodate the patients needs. In some situations it may be necessary to refer a patient to a doctor who has these techniques available.

By Stanley F. Malamed, DDS