There are two parts of our brain, the conscious mind, of all the things we know and the subconscious, which manages all the other controls. The conscious mind only works sometimes (when we are awake). But the subconscious is always at work.
Like it or are unaware of the subconscious is working without slamming involuntary physical behaviors such as breathing and heart signals sent by the consciousMind. In other words, spend what we think we are one of the most time in a place of interest in our subconscious. And because our unconscious is always at work, says a great effort to continue to address these problems.
You have just started to bed right after watching a scary movie? In most cases, you have a kind of nightmare, right? Even if he can not remember, is awakened by nightmares, there's a good chance you had. TheOccurrence of nightmares is a good example of the extraordinary power of our subconscious. While the film has seen your awareness of thoughts and images created by the parties that is scary. Without changing these thoughts before falling asleep, then your subconscious is nothing to work with other movie you've just seen. During sleep is the most effective for the subconscious, because there is no chance for contradictory signalsconscience to sleep. For this reason, when an important decision, people sometimes want to "over".
Ultimately, your subconscious knows what is in your interest, and will guide you in this direction. Usually without the negative influence of conscience to make decisions on emotions rather than logical thinking, is your subconscious mind free of what they do best. That is, the desire to help you, whatever they are.
Now that we havedetermine that sleep is the best time for your subconscious to do its job, we must be sure that the scary movie with positive thoughts, instead of problem-solving and productive thinking. In this way, if your subconscious is working you get is about the issues of greatest importance to you, not with small things beyond your control anyway captured.
The following is a list of ten methods you can apply to your life that will give you access to your subconsciousMind.
Although it would be the ideal situation to apply this tactic right before going to sleep, it is impractical to expect to do so. I also believe that there are advantages for their application throughout the day, so sure are the things you want to reach your subconscious mind.
Like everything else, these terms have always been easier with the bad practices, but also properly applied, you should begin to see tangible results.
1. LeaveMemories
The easiest way to be sure, we think the things that are important, is leaving the physical memory. There are a number of ways to do it. The easiest way is to take notes. A to-do lists can be useful, even if it is simply your primary goals when mixed with others that are less important daily activities.
I propose, instead, and personal success is, is firmly and clearly write your goal or desire of a credit note or a piece of paperand put it in a strategic location. I have my weight loss recently goal.The idea that you can often see, and the goal or the thought of solid starts in your mind, even if you're unsure of what is happening, not consciously.
Physical reminders to get your consciousness, as a bridge to your subconscious. First, through the creation of memories (eg, drawing) in the notes, it is to communicate the idea in mind so that the first consciousSubconscious.
Second, when the memory in a strategic position in which it will often carry the idea that the possibility of a direct route to your subconscious. (Think of subliminal messaging.) When advertisers use this method so freely and with such success, because we are not able to "trick" itself, too?
2. Meditating
I am not a man who puts me in a state of deep trance, at regular intervals, but as someone who daydreamsFrom time to time, I can attest to the benefits of driving so that your thoughts in a relaxed, carefree state.
Carefree is the wrong word. It is certainly geared more closely.
The next time you daydream, take a moment and think about how focused and in tune with your thoughts were. This is the state of mind you need, when you take to meditate. Relax until you are literally lost in thought.
So that focused on an issue like you inMeditation, or your opinion may be misleading. A minute to identify the specific objectives you want, or you want to solve the problem, too. Once you have clearly in mind, close your eyes, control your breathing and relax the body. Do not let these thoughts my head. Now show (see 3.) The achievement of the objectives and functioning in a world where the problem is solved.
Continue in this state until it feels necessary to repeatrequired.
3. Visualization
Visualization works best when combined with meditation, but not necessary. Meditation brings you into a state of relaxation, which makes it easier to create visual sequences. On the basis of visual sequences, were raised in a situation that you would expect at first that actually happened. This allows the brain to get used to the situation arising in the process.
In essence, the view of the practice for your brain.It is nothing other than to practice a sporting event, except as a muscle training, you can use your training the brain so that they know how to react in a given scenario.
To view, do whatever it is, mental images created (some people prefer the video), she can do something. It would be really fulfilling to see the task in either the first or third person, as you prefer.
It 'important to remember to create the image in more detailas possible, noting things such as sounds and smells. The most detailed description, it will be more successful.
View the entire event or performance, provided that the desired results, and all the emotions that flow from it. Let the joy that you know really make you feel successful to complete the operation feel. Making the most real and accurately as possible. Repeat if necessary and will not stop until you believe are alreadyTarget.
4. Submit your destination
When you arrive at your destination, depending on the state or the desire on a daily basis, your subconscious will have no choice but to listen. Speaking, the brain needs to formulate his thoughts, and formulate the thought, the brain must first compile and organize these thoughts. Something so simple, if not to tell your plans require that you have important decisions to make before you can do so.
The whole process isorchestrated by the knowledge that the plan for relays subconscious. Suddenly, you opened the channel of communication between the two leaders by simply pointing your thoughts. While you are there do not explain, your subconscious has already begun, as you reach your goal.
A positive side effect of this phase is the factor of responsibility. This is another strategy that I start my weight loss plan. The more people that tell yourPlan, the more people will not let you down, if not come. For me, bring the look and responsibility adds another element of motivation, my goal already want. It is also a great help in dealing with delays.
5. Talking with those who have been there
The streets are burned for a reason. Can you imagine if every time you wanted something you had to start from scratch to do? What happens if the requirements had to be invented anew each time? Or, if your computer does notBased on the successes and failures of the previous building built? Imagine how impossible it would be progressive on the planet.
Fortunately, this is not the case in the preparation and cooking, and there is no reason why it should be in life, either. If there is one particular thing, they speak to do you enjoy doing with your life, then it is a point to someone who has already done too much. If you do not come into contact with them, read everything about them, or the study of their careers. Do everything in your powerthe path that they created for themselves. If there's anything he can do is quite different, is always off, but there is no need, there are a pioneer, has the same point another, to obtain.
They have not prevented a follow his own person for a successful project. A plan that has already proved successful, will design your subconscious on the bolts and nuts in accordance with the plan, rather than working with their plan. The more one isYour subconscious mind can get to the point, the better.
It begins with the start in the right way.
6. An appointment
Share your subconscious that you seriously. When you combine an appointment with the factor of responsibility, should also be accomplished no choice but to your goal.
A period tells your subconscious that there is an urgent matter in hand, and must be treated immediately. Your mind is theImportance of the issue, and all make the changes necessary to ensure adequate attention to resolve this problem, which includes the more urgent it is given.
Although not the most important thing that happens in your life is a known limitation of time to work on it until it is fulfilled.
The surprising thing about the subconscious is doing what it takes to do the things that we invite you to reach. Connecting a period of only one goalincreases the speed with which the works subconsciously, without even realizing it.
7. Maintain Focus
It 'very easy, the objectives, the main ones are distracted.
Concentrated in order, if you lose what is important, because your mind is occupied by something. Even if your subconscious will continue to follow the original plan, your attention from the goal, deflected a bit 'moreover time, but usually not so important.
If your attention is shifted to assume the ability of your subconscious mind and resolve problems that you created for them is significantly lower. To counter this, you must make a conscious effort to bring your attention to the issues that you want your subconscious mind to focus to maintain. By this I mean, you have obstacles that your consciousness will be presented to be aware and do their best to irrigateout.
Once you know how to filter the view so that only the absolutely most important, do your subconscious, you're on the road to realize its potential.
8. Progress Chart
The only way to truly understand that progress to see where you were then, and compare where you are. A visual map of the road and made a great step towards your goal.
To begin, the goal is to be achieved,one, who asked not to reach your subconscious mind, and write in as much detail as possible.
First, identify some of the phases or stages that are planning to reach you on track to achieve this goal. Keep in mind as benchmarks needed.
As you approach the benchmarks can be found in a position to see how far you have come, and how we should do much more.
The roadmap "to know your subconscious on the right track, which isis making progress, and what the new standard, so you can apply his efforts accordingly.
9. Be realistic
It 'easy for your subconscious mind that your goal is to tell end world hunger. But if you do, and then realize that this objective is beyond the scope of your ability, have settled for the non-compliance. As a result you will get discouraged and run the risk of believing in themselves.
A better way to reach your goal, set a goal that challenges you,is still realistic. If end hunger in the world is your goal, how about setting first goal, to end hunger in your community. If you have reached this target so you can extend the application and work on something bigger.
Give your subconscious a challenging goal, but pace yourself. Going for everything at once is a recipe for disaster.
10. Persevere & Persist
Do you understand now that there will be setbacks. E 'struggle andDifficulties. But keep in mind that these things are only temporary.
Setback should not be permanent. It is only if you allow. And 'your responsibility to see your coach the subconscious and conscious mind on the difference between the setbacks and failures.
If you hit a roadblock, you walk around. If you are a bridge to cross ahead with confidence.
Tell yourself that no matter what you want to achieve this goal. Your subconscious mind, once theKnowing that you are working towards a goal that will do everything possible to succeed. But if there is any doubt (that means they are completely on what you want, or if you reach it considers it), then struggles to find solutions.
Persistent, persevering through difficult times, trusting that what you want, decide, and so arranged that no temporary setback for you off course.
When you forward this message to your subconscious mind from a conscious decision that thiswhat you want, your subconscious mind responds.
Control your destiny
Remember, your subconscious is available to serve you. Put in a productive way to work and that it will deliver outstanding results.
Make informed decisions that are in the best interest of its overall objectives, and your subconscious receives the message and go to work.
The more you use the great power that sees your subconscious mind, the bestwhen called upon. And the more you better ask them, to achieve more success.
Only you control your destiny. You have the ability to make decisions that impact your life. Benefits that have the power to make the best decisions.