วันเสาร์ที่ 9 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

The 4 stages of learning a new skill

It 'true what they say, practice makes perfection. Here's why ...

When we first learn, we enter the new information into our brains on his conscience. We must seize new information to understand and try to see a meaning in it.

But really good at something, you must ignore the conscious mind and be able to perform certain actions without really thinking about it. Introduction to the subconsciousMind!

Consider driving on approach to a roundabout at speed, without the subconscious, which would be a very difficult task. You should be aware of the pressure on the brake pedal with your right foot to think with the clutch with the gear shift left foot with your left hand while rotating the right pane, you head right, into oncoming traffic, with look look your eyes, listen to the radio in the background and tell the person in the passenger seatall the time again to breathe and maintain a heartbeat, all in a matter of seconds. If you were to consciously think of all these things at once, I'm sure it would be the end of an accident. But we do so with relative ease?

This mechanism is wonderful, the subconscious can multi-task and lead a better knowledge of when conscious thought is involved. If a player scores a wonder goal during a soccer game in the post-match interview, the interviewer can ask: "What wentthe head when he takes the ball? "And the response of football is," I do not know I hit it sweet and ended in the bottom of the net! "The best results are achieved when the child is aware and instinct takes over. And 'this automatic, we can get the professional capacity. How are we to something that we are now very poor, but he wants to be better?" This transformation is divided into four phases ....

1. UnconsciousIncompetence - this is when we still do not know what they are not good.

2 conscious incompetence - At this point we are something to be something well known, but we know that we are not all good, again. Compared to others, we feel like we were in this particular type of waste activities.

3 conscious competence - We now have a level where we have also reached capacity, but still fulfill the current thinking of the actions involved in ahigh standard. If a decade deliberately made, or in other words, loss of concentration, mistakes can still be done.

4. Unconscious - your skills here! It's so easy and natural. Coordination is smooth and controlled and is familiar with minimal involvement. Congratulations, you have a new talent.

So if these are the four stages, as from one level to the next event? Simple, practical! Maybe you were hoping for an answer spectacular, butThis is the only correct answer there. It is both encouraging and discouraging at the same time. Daunting, because it means that the time and effort will be needed to comfort zones will need to take a step outside, but encouraging, because all who are willing to pay the price is guaranteed that eventually happened. You see, the subconscious is a creature of habit. It feeds on repetition. Your consciousness acts as a guardian, which often occurs in the consciousnesswill be accepted by the subconscious. Both good and bad habits are formed in this way. It is your responsibility to ensure that your conscious thoughts are constructive and that is the only way is to facilitate entry into the realm of the unconscious, and, in turn reflected in the external world and circumstances. If you are in a all a bit 'authority have to do is learn how to do it well, and then repeat that over and over again.

Go! On my wish listto learn the guitar and the piano, reading several new languages, speed, a better driver and secretary, and better for the sport I like. Maybe even one day I will be able to dance without looking like my father at a wedding. I received the best practice.

All the best, you begin to write your wish list today, and then follow through until you have a lot of new skills.

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