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Understanding 3 Dimensions of Your Will - conscience, reason and appetite blast

The man is tripartite, consisting of three elements, spirit, soul and body. The Bible says: "I ask God, your spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1TH 5:23

Every aspect of your being, is a will and an individual voice.

The will of the spirit is born again to do what is morally right and the voice of the Spirit is your conscience. To recognize the knowledge of good and evil, and always advised to do whatRight or righteous in God's eyes.

The will of the soul is to do what seems reasonable and sensible and the voice of the soul is your decision. To recognize the rationality between what is useful and what is not, and will always advise the appropriate or reasonable to do.

The will of the body is doing what feels good or makes the joy and the voice of the body is your appetite. To recognize the appetite between what feels good and what is not, and always advised to do whatMakes you happy and makes you feel good.

Consciousness: the voice of your Spirit

The voice of your mind and your conscience.

Your consciousness determines what is morally right or wrong. It 'important to understand that the only time your conscience is working correctly, if your mind is to be regenerated or born again.

The Bible says that if we are physically born we are born dead in sin (Ephesians 2:5), this means that our minds are separated from God and lifeand the nature of God is within us. Therefore, our concept of right and wrong is defective and not always in harmony with God and with the operation after his standard of justice.

In fact, says the Word of God before the birth of new, there are enemies of God in our mind (Col. 1:21), ie, in most cases do not agree that you are not acting with the will of God, and in all his ways. This is why Jesus said, "Ye must be born again." John 3:7 (Type & BoldMine)

When we are born again, but our minds are fully recreated in the image of God and can not contradict with God, but always in perfect accord with his will. "Whoever is born of God commits sin, for his seed remains in him, and he can not sin because he is born of God." 1JO 3:9 (bold emphasis added)

This document refers to the change in your mind, it means that your nature is finally closed when it is reborn, and can neverchanged back to what it was before. Can never be an enemy of God and the return to an inner state of sin! However, we only speak your mind here, not your soul and body.

So, your mind is re-created, is your way to your consciousness, which has changed the voice of the Spirit to change too much. Is no longer with the will of God does not agree, which means that when conscience speaks, it must be reconciled with God can never give falseadvice.

Your conscience is born again and again the voice of your spirit guide to the will of God we will always say the right thing to do because it is now guided by the divine nature of God!

The problem arises when you ignore the voice and will be remembered in another.

Reason: the voice of your Soul

The voice of the soul is the reason.

Reason determines what is reasonable and what is not. If you changed your idea now rebornAdamic be like Christ, from the profane to the sacred, sin, free from sin! But your soul is not interested in the same way. The transformation of your soul takes a lifetime to be completed.

What is the soul anyway?

Your soul is your opinion - nothing more nothing less!

E 'combined intellect, emotions and will. In the Old Testament, Genesis 2:7 the Bible says that God breathed the breath of life into man and man became a living being. The word "soul" is translated fromHebrew "Nephesh" and means "spirit or spiritual." For a detailed explanation of the similarities and differences between the mind and the soul of my Free Book: Understanding the difference between the mind and the soul.

The spirit or soul is in two layers, shared the conscious and the unconscious.

What is your conscience?

In your mind you are processing information that is known. Must be interpreted with your feelingsAnalyzing the data, your thoughts and data in order to achieve a reasonable outcome. After arriving at your conclusion, you are therefore required to make a decision about its conclusion. A decision is a call to action, and this is the job of your will - on a course of action based on the conclusion is made by processing the available evidence to decide.

What is your subconscious mind?

The prefix "sub" means "under", is the subconscious that theor less is the basis for consciousness. It is the root of our thoughts, feelings and will. Paul said to the apostles "in the spirit of the spirit to be renewed," Ephesians 4:23. In this document the word "spirit" means thinking, feeling and willing, and the word "spirit" means "an important principle that gives life!"

Thus, the spirit "of the mind can" as "the vital principle that life gives you to interpret your thoughts, emotions and will!" So, I think that both"Spirit of your mind" and the "subconscious" are the same thing.

This is what Paul wants to tell us, renewal, not just our conscious thoughts, but also what life offers them! The fundamental principle on which we base our thoughts! The fundamental principle that defines how and why we think and how we do it. This is our way of life.

Our philosophy of life is practiced mental and emotional provided by the training setwe received from children and what is genetically transmitted to us.

This is the thing that is hidden, but powerful, our thoughts and emotions, feeds, and animates our will to act. The deep part of us, most of us are not even aware, but it is so powerful that more than anything else, determines how they act in a certain situation.

Our philosophy of life, controls us, and is the essence of our subconscious. This is why Paul emphasizes, we renew our whole head, becauseIf our right against the will of our soul, is given in this way to all the information that both the conscious and the unconscious. For more information on how your conscious and subconscious refer to renew my book: Understanding the Level 3 of Salvation: Spirit, soul and body.

Appetite: the voice of your body

The voice of the body is your appetite.

The appetite determines what feels good or makes the joy and what not.This is not always a bad thing, because if your appetite does not mean that you were hungry and need food, you may starve and do not feel uncomfortable. If Adam does not feel sexual attraction to Eve, there would be no motivation to chase, they were sexually and the human race would be doomed to failure. Each request has its place.

The will of the body and pleasure / pain principle, and the appetite is regulated in a very clearto express what is pleasant, is what is the painful contrast. The problem is that the appetite is not able to police and, if unchecked always go to extremes to please, which leads, unfortunately, the pain, just what they wanted to avoid in the first place.

So we need a system of checks and balances to govern our decision making, in order to obtain our desired result every time.

Enter your conscience and reason, that thechecks and balances work for your appetite. To explain how they share the image I like to use the work is the average working person in front of a typical Monday morning.


What usually happens is the alarm sounds, your desire to have more sleep occurs in your appetite, and says, "We will continue here in this beautiful, cozy, comfortable bed and sleep for the next few hours because they believe sooo good."

Their stated reason: "Oh, no!We do not need to get up and go to work, because if we do not, it will be a poor reflection on our work ethic and long term is therefore our task is to get up, it makes sense to compromise and go to work, even if not feel like. "

The appetite may begin to discuss with reason, so that the weights consciousness with the words: "Yes, I agree with the reason we have to get up and go to work because they are doing the right thing, we expect that our jobs to be in a certain time, and wepaid to pretend that it is morally wrong, despite our responsibility, as they feel good withdraw warm bed, let's get up! "

Does this sound familiar?

This is a perfect example of how you work on 3 votes Wills & 3 together to reach a conclusion and make a decision.

Another example

It 'a bit' tricky at times especially in the processing of instructions from God, for example, you can read in the book of Malachi, where God says that you mustTithes and offerings finance through the local Church. But if you pay your bills and there are no conflicts, because there is no way to pay, 10% of salary, a job and still have enough to deal with the bills.

Thus the inner conversation might go like this: your appetite, terms of comfort and pleasure, you can always say we need money to buy food and pay the electric bill, so that we can live comfortably.

YourReason might say that I disagree can afford to pay the tithe and sacrifice, why do not we have enough to pay the bills and God wants us not responsible and does not pay what we need. Simply makes no sense.

But tell your conscience, I understand your arguments, and they sound reasonable, but the word of God is clear on this point and you know on the inside that we must obey God and do the right thing, make him trust us financially.

Keytake the right decision every time is always Let your conscience tells you the street.


Finally, I reiterate that the only time your conscience is working constantly, and only after we are born again and have changed your inner nature. Before this can be born again right time and the work of the next defective and can not be totally trusted!

Therefore God has promised, "I'll give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you ... I will put my spiritin and carry you walk in my statutes, and you will keep my opinions and not them. Eze. 36:26-27

And that is why the apostle John can now say: "Whoever is born of God does not sin, for his seed remains in him, and he can not sin, because he had been born of God. 1 John 3:9

Promised by the prophet Ezekiel, God refers to us a new spirit and bring us just walk on the process of becoming born again or regenerated with our spirit and ourNature is transformed from human to divine, so that our consciousness can not function properly.

Thus, in 1 John, he can now say that we have been born of God "or because we have sinned. The phrase" can not sin "simply means that our consciousness can lead us not into the injustice that they must always be reborn to us, doing the right thing, because our conscience is the voice of our soul and our spirit in the photo and nature of God

The only time that the reason it worksexactly according to your mind is renewed in accordance with the principles of the kingdom of God described in the Bible.

This is obviously why the apostle Paul teaches us many times to pay attention to the renewal of our minds.

He said: "And not for this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind ..." Romans 12:2. And be renewed in the spirit of the Spirit, Eph 4:23. Let this mind in you which was in Christ Jesus: Php 2:5.

Hesaid: "The mind of the flesh is enmity against God: for it can not be under the law of God even. Ro 8:7. To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually is life and peace . Ro 8:6.

Scripture tells us that the United Nations renewed the spirit of a Christian is considered carnal or child, while the renewed spirit is considered spiritual or mature. These writings also show us that it is sufficiently renewed by both the conscious and subconsciouswill always be a conflict between knowing what is right and the choice of what is right.

Hold the spiritual or mind is mature eat every day with the Word of God and a steady obedience to the Holy Spirit in practice. (See my article "Understanding the 7 practical approaches for the Word of God")

The only time when the appetite function properly if you have learned the art of controlling the passions and desires of the body.

Againstthis end, the apostle Paul declares: "But I know in my members of the body [in the sensitive appetites and wants of the flesh] a different law (rule (of action) at war against the law of my mind) my reason, and me prisoner to the law of sin which dwells in my bodily organs [in the sensitive appetites and wants of the flesh]. Rom 7:23 (TAB)

What a wretched man I am. Who will rescue me from this body, which is condemned to death? Rom 7:24 (CEV)

Oh, thank God! [He is!] Through JesusChrist (the Anointed One) our Lord! So, yes, me, me with my mind and heart to serve God's law, but with the flesh the law of sin. Rom 7:25 (TAB)

Then he went to say, Rome 13:14 (TAB) "But [like a boxer] I buffet my body [handle around, discipline through hardships] and subdue it ... 1 Cor. 9.27 (TAB)" continues my body under control and my slave, so as not to lose, after the good news for others. 1. Cor. 9:27 (CEV)

And finally, ""... Do not letSpoil disposal for [] the flesh [put a stop to think about the evil cravings of your physical nature] to [his] desire (desire to meet). "

We therefore know that control is the desires of the body with the teaching of Jesus on the opening day of our cross and die to ourselves so that we can truly live online.

Thus, we can clearly see from Scripture that man is tripartite and has 3 different wills and 3 different voices to express this will. Therefore, I agree with BrotherPaul to pray: "God, the God of peace sanctify you are required by and by. May your spirit, soul and body blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thess. 5:23. Amen.

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